Just Something Funny

ImageHalloween. You know, national holiday. The one where everyone gets to dress up like something they’re not (vampire, zombie, favorite tv show characters) and then go around demanding food in a 365 or 366 day pact that in exchange for sweet food, they will not trash these poor people’s homes.Image That holiday where we all get pumpkins and decorate or carve them, setting them on our porches/doorsteps for all the world to see. Sound familiar? Image

Well, thanks to hurricane Sandy, here in the great state of New Jersey, that great holiday has been POSTPONED. By far, the funniest thing I have ever heard on the school announcements was ‘Halloween has been postponed until Saturday, thank you.’ SERIOUSLY? YOU POSTPONED A HOLIDAY! Don’t get me wrong, I definitely understand the reasoning behind this. Some parts of New Jersey are totally under water (and/or under. . . sand) and there has been massive devastation. I just think it’s funny to hear, so I thought I’d share with you guys. Image

The only reason I’m complaining is because I’m going to have to hear about it until Saturday from my little brother. NOT. FUN. Anyway, that’s all for this unscheduled post.

P.S: I don’t live very close to the beach, my area didn’t get hit nearly as bad as it could have and there are definitely fallen trees and branches, but we are totally fine. But there are some places that were really bad. There was A HOUSE in the middle of a highway. A HOUSE. Have a Happy Halloween everybody!


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